It was such a thrill to have the chance to fly in a balloon over the Rio Grande! When we got our tickets to fly on “Volcanic Motion”, we were excited but cautious. The previous year, we got tickets from the RV park owner but didn’t fly due to poor weather conditions. We were hopeful that there would be good weather – and we got our wish.
An early beginning got us at the airport in Creede before sunrise where we got breakfast from the SAR folks (Search and Rescue) who put together a hearty meal as a fundraiser for their local emergency response teams. Biscuits and gravy really hit the spot on this cool pre-dawn event.
There was a pre-flight briefing for crews and captains; walking the tarmac to remove debris that might damage the balloon; early morning greetings with our crew and pilots – and nervous anticipation as to the next steps. It really takes a lot of dedicated and knowledgeable people on these teams who meticulously ready the aircraft for flight. Everything must be done just-so. There are no shortcuts and no ignoring safety protocols. Our crew was efficient and jovial – the very thing we needed to boost our confidence that today was going to be spectacular.
Whenever I photograph an event or happening, I distance myself to provide an unbiased point of view. Capturing the action and getting the right angle to tell the story, for me, requires separating myself from being part of the event. I am a witness to the timeline, but not part of it. Except in this situation. I was lucky enough to be included with the steps of launching a hot air balloon at the same time capturing the images I needed to tell the story. And, somehow, it all worked out!
The big fan filling the balloon’s envelope with air; the first blast of flame into balloon to quickly heat it up and make it rise; the pilot’s explicit instructions of what to do and not do. All essential to a successful flight. Then we were in the basket. And then, airborne!
Silently (except for the roar of the flame being sent into the balloon) we ascended and more effortlessly through the air, rising and moving forward along the slight breeze that graced the day. Up, up, and away!
Looking down on familiar surrounds provided a new perspective of an area that we called home for many months and to see the relationship from above was enlightening and thrilling. Looking through the lens to capture the textures and patterns on the ground, shadows cast by the low early morning and then to look around the horizon to see vast landscapes that looked familiar but new. One thrill after another!
Other ballons were in the same airspace and looked so different from the air. And the landscape itself was almost surreal as it silently unfolded and changed as we drifted along. And then, it was time to get prepared for the descent and the landing – some butterflies and nervousness as we heard our pilots seriously and factually tell us to keep our body parts in the basket until told when to exit and bend our knees to cushion the landing as we got closer and closer to the scrub-covered ground.
Then we slowly, softly touched down and felt the basket make contact firmly into the earth. We were down but moving, bumping along and slowing to a stop. The pilot pulled the opening at the top of the ballon to allow the hot air to escape and the ground crew rushed in to guide the balloon fabric safely to earth. And the beginning of the post-flight routine began in earnest led by really dedicated folks who worked in a rehearsed manner. The gathering of the Volcanic Motion’s thin fabric envelope was done with authority and care. Making it fit into the bag from which came was a challenge and took teamwork and determination, but finally, it was safely in the bag and onto the bed of the pickup truck.
The post-flight ritual is secret and special, so details cannot be revealed here. After our initiation, we were proud to have flown with such a great crew. Our memories of this unique experience will last a lifetime. The friendships that we made will be held in special regard. We hope our paths cross again.
Enjoyed reading about your hot air balloon adventure and as always viewing the beautiful photographs!